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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Homestay on Amantani

The view from ´our´ balcony

The view from ´Pacha Tata´ towards Taquile island

Shy ´Mama´

Part of our time around Lake Titicaca and Puno involved a one night homestay with a local family on the island of Amantani, 38km into the massive lake. We were quite keen for this but in the end it was slightly disappointing. I think a lot depends on the family you stay with and whilst our family were perfectly friendly, unfortuantely our ´mama´was slightly reserved and neither of us felt particularly at home in her company. I think what may be the case, is that many new families have signed up for this ´homestay´ deal and see dollar signs before the cultural experience. Fair enough.

Nonetheless we had a really good time over the 24 hours on the island. I befriended a really cool donkey, lasted about 3 minutes of a football match against a rival tour company (due to being 4100m above sea level) and we both enjoyed a fantastic sunset atop mount ´Pacha Tata´ or ´father earth´. At about 19h00 that evening, after a tasty dinner, we were dressed up in traditional clothes and attended a fun dance in the local hall with all the other people and their ´mamas´. Again though, this was great, BUT our mama didn´t seem too interested and by the time the evening abruptly came to an end, she didn´t seemed to pleased when I cracked open another beer, which I eventually had to abandon to avoid any unhappiness.

Without doubt, and I won´t go into too much detail here, probably the funniest moment of the entire trip happened at about 2am that morning when both Robyn and I woke up in desperate need of the loo (no. 1) and we had to use the supplied bedpan. I doubt any of you have used a bedpan recently, but it is a heck of a lot more difficult than you would imagine, especially when you start getting the giggles and it´s almost filled to the brim!


Blogger Badger said...

BWWHAHAHAAHAHAHA......those pics are hilarious of you guys in your traditional kitters. Looks like you're still having a superb time and it only seems to be getting better. Can't wait for the full stories and the missed highlights that aren't on the blog. Shuz, loved the way you cracked that last beer, trully enjoying the trip, what a dissapintment you had to abandon ship though. Ahahaaa, brilliant !!!!

10:55 AM


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