Album of the month – CIVILIAN
'Civilian' by 'boy kill boy' is my Album of the month for August. So what or rather who do they sound like I hear you ask? Well, their sound is by no means new or different, kind of a slightly more upbeat 'Interpol' meets 'Arcade fire' cross the 'Editors' with the catchy melody of say a band, like 'The Strokes' or 'Muse'? Yup, makes a lot of sense doesn't it.
So, where was I? Oh yes, track 2 'On & On' is quite simply…brilliant. Teetering perhaps a little too close to the 'Editors' at first, but folks, it steadily builds up and moves away to a chorus that just makes you want to stop whatever it is that you're doing and frikken sing along with your jaw clenched. It really is excellent, so hard to put into words or describe with my limited vocabulary and knowledge of musical instruments, but there's a piano in there somewhere and it's being tapped away at furiously! Accompanied by a set of drums being clattered at high speed and a plethora of shrill guitars being manipulated, jerkingly but then full-on and fluid as it breaks into the chorus.
The rest of the album also delivers, in fact I'm listening to it right now and enjoying it even more than I was earlier. I also need to mention that this is by no means a one track album. 'Ivy Parker' is another cracker. I won't even try describe it, it's slower but in no way less powerful. It's absolute class, anthemic(?). And then there's 'Suzie', 'Six Minutes', 'Civil Sin' and more.
It has to be said, their were a number of worthy contenders for August's 'Album of the month'. 'Razorlight' and their highly anticipated follow-up album self-titled 'Razorlight' is a good buy. 'The Zutons' also delivered something special in the form of their follow-up album 'Tired of hanging around' and last but not least, 'Snow Patrol' who perhaps ran away with the best single of the month, 'Chasing cars' came pretty close with their 3rd album 'Eyes open' but it just wasn't consistent enough to pip boy kill boy's 'CIVILIAN' to the post.